“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”   II Cor. 4:9

After just having extremely severe storms the past few days, my thoughts go back to another time when my late husband and I were caught in such a storm while on our way to a college graduation in the next state over. 

The day started out as a beautiful sunny Spring day.  The drive was to take about four hours.  Just about 10 miles from where we would be staying, and while driving on the interstate, the sky became more and more black. We knew we were going to run into a storm before we got to our motel. 

But, what happened was not just an ordinary storm.  We hit a "wall" of rain, hail the size of golf balls that were hitting the car and splattering.  The wind was whipping things around in the air; leaves, sticks and who knew what else, were being plastered all over our car. Needless to say, we literally could not see the tail lights of the car in front of us.  Being on an interstate, we were hesitant to stop, but my husband truly could not see to drive! We could feel our tires running over the hail balls.  Finally, very faintly, we were able to see two red tail lights ahead, and were relieved to see that car was stopped.  We pulled in behind it, and as we sat there being whipped around and plundered by all kinds of debris, all I could think to do was keep asking God to take care of all who were in harm's way. 

I have never had the kind of feeling I experienced in those few minutes.  We were safe inside the car, but I became a bit claustrophobic.  Any minute I expected a tree limb, or something larger to come crashing through the car window.  I wondered if we were going to get out of this alive.

Then, we saw a line of traffic ahead of us which was completely stopped in the middle of the highway.  It was all they could do. There was no way to see the berm of the road in order to pull over into a safer place.  

The storm finally passed over us just as quickly as it had come, and traveled on. As it all subsided, thankfully we were able to be on our way again.  Later we heard that a tornado was spotted in that area, and I assume we were in part of the wind, but not the actual tornado. What a scary time, but we realized it could, and was, worse for some.

Many years older now and living alone, I am finding out just how fast and furious the changes in our bodies and health issues can hit us, much like these weather storms. One minute we are okay (we think!) and the next, the doctor is telling us of yet another health problem that has sneaked up on us. At times we feel as if we are being bombarded with hail balls of pain, losses, and blinding walls of depression that are so dark we don’t know which way to step.  Swirling thoughts of, “When will this end, or will it ever end?" can accompany these changes? 

We truly feel at times as if we are being tossed about in a storm of tornado magnitude.  And, there is no way to get out of it.  We just have to wait it out, pray and cry……and do whatever might make us feel a bit better, if anything.

I have found the only way to come out on the other side of these storms is to always remember, 'Jesus' has been there and is waiting for us on the other side.   As He hung on the cross, he experienced every pain, tormenting thought, and, yes, possibly even fear of sorts, that we experience.

When faced with the storms of life, and they will surely come to all of us, we can run to Him.  He is our only source of comfort, and the only One Who can help us endure whatever befalls us.  He knows and He cares.  He’s been there! I am trying hard at these times to remember the words of a song my granddaughter sang for me -- "Fear not tomorrow, God is already there!"

Praying 'peace and safety' for all  --  Alice  


  1. Thanks for sharing these words of encouragment mom! Love you!!


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