February, 2019  Remembering - 1st story/post

Today, as you sit with me remembering, let's go back to a day in March of 1945. I was five years old, and it was a sad time in our household, as my oldest brother was "somewhere" overseas fighting in World War II.  Not only him, but my oldest sister's husband was going through the same thing, only they were in different parts of the world, not knowing where each other was. And, our family didn't really know, either.  I was too young to understand all the concerned faces.  I just knew it was constant for the most part.  I was always a very timid child, and easily upset and scared, so this was not a fun time for me, even though I didn't know why.

I remember there were times when my sister and sister-in-law would come to our home for extended visits, because they couldn't stand being alone another minute, not knowing if their husbands were alive or dead. They were so young, and hadn't been married very long when their husbands were deployed. At times they just needed someone to "sit with them." It was a very, very hard time for my Mom, too.....I can't even imagine!

But, as God is so faithful in doing, He brought a very bright spot into our home one particular night in early March. I awakened one morning, yawned, stretched, and called out for my Mommy. Well, she didn't come as usual, but my Daddy came, and he said to me, "Come see what Mommy has!" I had no idea what she might have, .... couldn't have guessed in a million years. Daddy took me into Mommy's bedroom and she was still in bed. What? Why wasn't she in the kitchen fixing my breakfast? Was she sick or something? But, Mommy just smiled and said, "Come and see what I have inside this blanket." As I drew closer, she pulled the little blanket back, and there was the most beautiful, blue eyed baby doll with the cutest chubby cheeks I had even seen!  Only, why was this baby doll moving around and making little noises?  My other baby doll didn't do that. Mommy said, "Alice, meet your new baby brother.  His name is Donald, but we couldn't decide on a middle name.  Can you think of a good name to go with Donald?" So, I thought a minute, and out of the blue I said, "Allen." Now, as I look back, I find it interesting that, years later I would end up marrying a man whose last name was ... you guess it ... Allen!

Well, back to my story.  Donnie, as we called my new baby brother, was Mom's eighth child, and such a blessing to all of us at a very dark time in our lives. There were smiles part of the time where the sad looks used to be. Our home felt better to me now.

In those days the doctor insisted that mothers who birthed a baby at home must stay in bed for nine/ten days. (I know! Unheard of today, right?)  So, mom had many days when she needed all of us, my sister and sister-in-law included, to just "sit with her,"  which was a wonderful way of filling all our troubled minds with good things....conversations with Mom, cuddling and singing to little Donnie, and all in all just a very joyful time.

This is my first remembrance of a time when I was called on to "just sit with someone," as I recall times when Mom would let me hold Donnie and rock him.  He needed me, and I needed him. I didn't have to say a thing....just stare at this beautiful, new "baby doll" ... maybe sing to him at times.  He was such a special part of my life, and still is today.

Oh, I have so many stories such as this that I want to share!  I can't seem to write fast enough!

I pray we never forget that God gives us many chances and ways to "sit with others," or to ask others to "sit with us" in times of need, joy, and so on.  Don't pass up these special times. They always turn out to be very real blessings.

Until next time.....Alice


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