Save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy mixed with fear.........!! JUDE 1:23
I realize the scripture above is speaking of a very different kind of "saving others from the fire" - it is speaking of the spiritual man. But, I wanted to use this scripture as it has had much meaning to me down through my life in many ways. So, on to my story......
Once again my thoughts go back to my childhood. I was in grade school at this time. Mom and I had walked downtown to the grocery store. We lived in a very small town in Southern Ohio, and my family had no car, so our only way to get from place to place in this tiny town was to walk. Today I know that was not a big deal, and was actually good for me and for the others in my family.
We were on our way home when the sirens from the firehouse began to blare, a very rare thing to happen in our small town. "Wonder what is going on and who might be in trouble?" Mom said to me. I wondered, too, but didn't comment. What could I say?
We continued our walk home and as we rounded a corner we could see a bright glow and then a commotion......and it was close to our house. Mom grabbed my hand, and said, "Hold tight and let's run!" I could hear the fear in her voice, although she was trying hard not to show it. There were other members of my family at home, so of course she was concerned.
Closer to the scene with every hurried step we finally saw there was definitely a fire, and it was at the house next door to where we lived. Back then most people heated and cooked with wood and/or coal. So, there was a coal shed on the back of the property next door and it was now a blazing inferno!! And, the dear elderly lady who lived there was walking to and fro in her yard and wringing her hands in despair. "Please don't let it get to my house!" she kept yelling.
Now, this little lady was our neighbor, elderly and living alone. We thought she must enjoy, or at least be satisfied with her lot in life, as she had boundaries she didn't let people cross. If my little brother rode his scooter an inch past "our part" of sidewalk, and she thought he was on "her part" of the sidewalk, she would quickly come out and tell him to stay on his own side. So, of course, we kids thought she was a mean old lady, and tried to avoid her as much as possible. She was constantly sweeping her front porch and walk, but wouldn't speak if we came close.....just looked at us with a look that made us run home.
But, back to the problem at hand, - my mom took the few groceries we were carrying into our home quickly, and ran back out and to the little lady's side. "Come and sit with us" until the men get the fire put out." she quietly coaxed. The firemen had to help persuade her to do so, telling her they could do their work better if they knew she wasn't in harm's way.
She wasn't at all happy about this, but with mom's gentle ways and calming voice, she was finally able to become a little less agitated. Still, she would go often to the window and look out as if there were something she should be doing to help. It had been a very hot, dry summer, so everything was burning quickly. The firemen had to cut the electrical wires leading to her home to keep the fire somewhat contained. It was a very frightening time for all of us. She lost her coal shed and most of her Winter supply of coal, which is what was mostly used at that time to heat our houses. Along with some wood for some of us, of course. But, at least she and her house were all kept safe. Being a small town, and everyone kind of knew each other, Ankie always had coal or wood provided that Winter.
As God is so faithful in doing, He made "good come from a bad situation." We found out that our neighbor's name was Alice.....imagine that! Same name as mine!! She had lost her husband many years ago, and had never remarried. They never had children, but did raise a little orphan girl almost from infancy. The child had a nickname for Alice because it was so hard for her to say. So, she called her "Ankie." From then on we knew our neighbor as Ankie Bowen......or Mrs. Bowen as my parents insisted we call her.
She never became friendly enough for us to visit her in her home, except for rare occasions when my mom was able to share something to eat or other needed things with her. After that horrible time of loss, I think she often spied on us. She had a beautiful wall of Morning Glory flowers that climbed up strings on the end of her porch which separated our view of her porch from ours.
Every evening when all chores were done, somehow my parents, or at least mom when dad would be away working, always took time to sit on our front porch in the swing and watch as we kids chased fireflies, played games, or played in puddles after a summer rain. We would play or sit until dark when we all went inside to have baths....or wash up from top to bottom since we didn't have a bathtub, and then off to bed.
Well, Mrs. Bowen somehow knew when we were on our front porch in the evening, and here she would come to sit and chat, with mom mostly. She was a very interesting lady with many, many stories to tell about her past life. I really soaked up all that she told, as much as I could anyway. I think to this day that is why I find it something I want to do.....share stories from my past for generations to come. So I take great pleasure in writing this blog for family, friends and even those who might have lived in those days when life wasn't as easy.....or maybe complicated (?) as they are today. But, truthfully, they were great days of learning for me, and even if I could, I wouldn't change anything at all about them. Well, maybe make life a little easier for my mom and dad. But, I grew up learning so many important life lessons which I hope I was able to pass on to my children and their children...and their children's children.
One really fun story I would like to share before closing. One time when Mrs. Bowen was visiting, she told of how her husband, Sam had been the janitor at the school for many years. It just so happened that my parents lived in this same little town for a time years before when my older brothers and one sister was in school. Back then at recess kids didn't have all the modern playground equipment that is available today. So, the girls would play jump rope, jacks, and many other fun games. One game the boys enjoyed was playing marbles. (If you don't know what that is, of course now you can google) So, they would have marble tournaments, and my oldest brother, Eddie, was very good at this game, and would usually win many of the other boys marbles. Sam, the janitor always liked to watch the boys playing this game. One day he saw that my brother was about to do something that would have been cheating. Sam said nothing....just walked slowly to Eddie's side and placed his foot gently on Eddie's hand. You can just imagine how that went over!! (smile) Needless to say, Eddie never tried cheating again. Another member of my family had just learned a very important life lesson. Eddie is the same brother who fought in the war I spoke of in my second post.
I realize this post became quite long, but I hope you were interested enough to read to the end. As you can see, I am quite "wordy!"
Until next time, may the peace and joy of Jesus rest on all of you. I hope you will come back to relive another story of my life with me. And, maybe pass this blog on to others who might enjoy it.
With thanks.........Alice
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