Today is New Year's Eve, 2019. This morning in my email box I had a beautiful devotional from a friend, Fiona in Australia. As of today her country is being devastated by horrible fires burning out of control, and spreading by high winds. She and her family are okay so far, with only lots of smoke. Please pray for all there in harm's way. Fiona and I met years ago by way of a ministry called Rest Ministries which was located in San Diego, California. We were both privileged to be chosen to write devotionals for this ministry. It was designed to give those with invisible chronic illnesses encouragement. Fiona and I would stay in touch through these devotionals and also became fast friends through email. She had physical limitations, but didn't let that stop her from leaning on and depending on the Lord in every situation. She also traveled a lot, and even came to the USA at times, visiting such places as New England during the Fall when the leaves were at peak. She would share by email pictures she had taken. What I found most interesting was when she and her family in Australia would go on trips there in their own country, and she would then share pictures of the places and give descriptions and information. I felt as if I knew quite a lot about Australia. One time she sent pictures of a birthday party for her dad that they held outside, and there were beautiful birds that looked like what we called Parrots. They were all over the place....the ground, on the picnic table, and one was even on her dad's head. She said they actually have to cover things up on the tables outside to keep these birds from helping themselves to the goodies even when they were eating. I could tell you so much more about Fiona, but the one thing would like to share is the time I received a very unexpected package in the mail from Australia. I couldn't even imagine what it might be. When I opened it, there was one of the most beautiful hand made quilts/lap robes I had ever seen! Her mother makes them to give to the elderly and those in nursing care, etc. She wanted me to have one, and I can't even tell you how much it means to me. Her mom had sewn a small patch on the back with her name, the date and the name of the pattern which is 'Hearts and Flowers.' I keep it hanging on my wall so I can share it with others, and also the story behind it. I sent Fiona a thank you note of course, and she wrote back to me in the form of a devotional she shared on Rest Ministries. The following is what she wrote.........
The Joy of Giving
“And whatever
you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
Rest Ministries
has introduced me to some wonderful people.
People who understand what it is to live with a chronic illness; people
who know that life can be frustrating; people who are learning to live with a
new kind of “normal” and people who know what it is to encourage and to need to
feel encouragement from others. I have
been blessed to share my journey with people like that.
Earlier this
year, I decided I wanted to give one of those people a gift that recognised the
value I feel in my friendship with her.
While it wasn’t my work, it was something that I admired and valued,
knowing the hours of work and love that had gone into each stitch. It was one of my Mother’s quilts - one of my
favourites – and knowing who it was going to, I felt it would be appreciated.
When the gift
arrived, I was so happy to know that she liked it and it was wonderful to know
that it arrived at a time when she really needed a lift. I felt blessed to have been able to brighten
her day. Overseas postage arrives at
unknown times, so I believe God had a hand in that.
It hadn’t
occurred to me when I chose the quilt that it was a heart quilt – but then my
friend said, “I love that it has hearts on it - it makes me think of how much
we care for each other, and also that we can so openly share our
"hearts", without feeling we are a burden. I thought that was a wonderful picture of
what our friendship has become and what a gift it is to me.
The Bible says
that Christ said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. It’s nice to receive gifts, but I was
reminded by this, what a pleasure it is to give to others. When I think of all that God has given to me,
I realise how much I have to thank Him for and how often I don’t appreciate all
that He gives.
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