LIVING HUMBLY     By Alice Ervin

As I face some difficult and frightening days ahead, I thought I would share a devotional I had written years ago that is so pertinent to my life today. Hope it helps someone as it has helped me at this time.

Listening to the radio one night, I heard a men’s quartet singing a song with this title - Livin’ Humble.  (The way they said it)  As our scripture tells us, that is what the Lord wants us to do, But just how do we go about it? 

The more I thought on it, the more I realized that I didn’t really know what living humbly meant until I was stricken with one physical problem after another.  I was going about each day doing most anything I wanted to, and enjoying life to the fullest for the most part.  But, was I truly being humble in my daily life back then as Jesus would have wanted me to?  I know now that I wasn’t.  It grieves me, so how much more must it have grieved the Father?

What I am writing doesn’t even begin to touch on the real meaning of the scripture.  But, I believe it plays a part.

I have found in my later years just how humbling it is to have to depend on others for so many things that I used to do on my own, or with my husband’s help.  I so appreciate all the help others are willing to give, but it is so hard to have to ask for it. To have others cook and bring in food, clean my home, take me to appointments because I can no longer drive.  Always having to ask others to come and visit me, and feeling bad because I can no longer go visit them on my own.  And, this doesn’t even begin to name all that I receive help with. 

With other health problems and issues that come as the years fly by so quickly, I feel as if I am a burden to so many when I was used to being there for them instead.

Living humbly??  I imagine there are some of you who could say with me that we who live alone with chronic illnesses have had to learn to “live humbly” in one way or another over and over again.  But, I think you would agree with me when I say “These are the most precious times with my Lord I have ever had.” I’m learning that I need to lean on Jesus and to “humble myself before Him" in every area of my life.  Not that I don’t fall short of that goal at times. I can now say that I see Him in every part of my life. The following chorus from a song we used to sing says it so well…..

I can see His hand moving all around me, I can hear His voice blowing in the wind,
I can feel the mighty touch of the Father’s love,
Everywhere I go His beauty surrounds me,
I can see His hand, I can hear His voice, I can feel His touch of love!!

If this is even a small part of what it means to be “livin humbly,” then I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Thank You for Your help, Father, as I constantly strive to “humble myself in Your sight, so You can lift me up!”  Jesus, You are the best example of One who was humble. Help me to follow You!


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