Psalm 19:14 - “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

This is one of those times when I really need someone to "sit by me" in so many ways

With this post I have moved from my childhood years to the present day - the date, April, 2019 .... a time when I have to make a move from living indepently to an assisted living facility.  Not easy for some to do, but I have found, at my age, the body decides when it is time to "do it's own thing" no matter what we think.  And, with the doctor also saying this change is necessary, I am willing to accept it as gracefully as possible! 

While sorting through my belongings to decide "what to keep and what not to keep," one thing I find that helps me when I might tend to feel sorry for myself is to look at my refrigerator magnets.  Yes!  I said, “Refrigerator magnets!“  They get my mind off of “me and things” and onto “others,” at least for a moment, and that gives me a measure of peace and joy.

I am having to give up many "things" that I am used to having in order to move into a smaller home/apartment.  But, I am finding more and more each day that these are just as I said....."things!"

I was asked by someone who was helping me what I wanted to do with all the refrigerator magnets.

I look at each magnet and I think of who gave it to me, and when, and remember all the good and bad times we have shared.   A lot of those times were when I most needed someone to "sit by me" so to speak.  Not in person maybe, but by sharing a special refrigerator magnet, or in some other way.  Some magnets are from places where my husband and I had traveled, and in my mind I go back to that place - the ocean, the mountains, just wherever.  I remember all the fun we had, and all the beauty of God’s creation that we were able to experience and enjoy together. Very precious memories, and I am so glad to have them. I miss you Dan!

One magnet in particular is especially meaningful to me. Years ago a church friend who loves doing woodworking made a cut-out of a big “O” with a teddy bear sitting in the bottom of the “O.”  She had printed around the circle the words, “O, Let’s pray!” 

What a great reminder that I should pray continuously for others and for all situations. By doing so,  I soon forget about “me” for a moment, and the changes I am having to make. So, I am praying for you, Jean!

A special lighthouse magnet given to me by my dear friend and sister in Christ, Bev.  You have given to me so many things in so many ways that I will "take to my new home with me." Thank you!!

This continues in all the rooms in my house actually, and I am sure you could say the same, if you take time to look around your own home.

In my bedroom is a very special quilted wall hanging/lap robe sent to me by a wonderful friend I have only known through email. We were brought together as we both had the privilege of writing devotionals for a Christian ministry in San Diego,CA.  The quilt is beautiful as it hangs in my bedroom -- well, it will soon, again, in my new home. This friend sent the special memory all the way from Australia, her home. A treasure her mother made, and she cared enough to share it with me.  What a blessing to have something from that "far away place - down under!" A part of God's creation where I am sure I will never get to visit. I can't thank you enough for this gift and all the others you have shared, Fiona. 

I move to my dining room, and just one peek into my china hutch I find so many things given to me by others.  A very special snowman couple my younger sister, Faith shared with me.  I love it!  Also a Nativity music scene from my older sister, Ginny! I miss you so, dear one! I see a bronze angel bell that was given to me as a thank you gift for helping him know how to seek a Savior, and eventually give his life to Him. I praise God for you, Bill, and your friendship,....short though it was! Now how much better can a memory get than that?? Just so many other things in that china hutch too numerous to mention on here.

On to the living room and sun room, and I stand and look around and remember the fun day when my son's fiance' and her sister came, van loaded down with all kinds of country decor. What fun we had that day! I just sat down and told them to "decorate my home" .....and boy, did they!  Another friend was also here that day, and she and I were amazed just watching these two ladies who called themselves "Two ladies and a hammer!"  And I smiled! Thank you Pam and Paula! My living room looks beautiful, and I have had many compliments. I told people I couldn't take the credit, and shared this story with them.  I will miss these "things," but the girls assured me I could take whatever I could use to my new home.  Such sweet friends! 

And, Judy, you were there to "sit by me" that same day and enjoy the fun. I can't even begin to tell of the ways you have shared so much with and for me. And continue to do to so until this very day. What a precious friend....and what a beautiful story of how our friendship began! I love you!

In my bedroom sits a sweet stuffed teddy bear bought for me by one of my granddaughters with her own birthday money when she was, oh, so small! Thanks Aubre. I pray for you each time I look at that cute bear. 

I see my late husband, Gary who passed away at such a young age....only 45 years old. I not only see him in "things" but in my dear children we had together. I love you more than words can say, Mark and Lisa!

Bob, Betty and Pat -- what can I even say? You basically "took me in" when my husband died so young. I probably drove you crazy at times, because I kept a bag packed in the back of my car.....just in case I was caught out later than I should be, and didn't want to go home to the dark, empty house.  Thank you, thank you!! 

I see my mother and father, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews as I watch the home movies I had put on CD's for my kids. What great memories they bring!  Lots of other family members and friends on the movies, also. Oh, the many times I have needed some of them to "just sit by me!" They did, and some of them still do even now!

There are so many things still being given to me by my grandchildren now....and even my great grandchildren. Just getting to be with them at times gives me wonderful memories to carry with me always, no matter where I live. My "grand"children, Erick, Shawn, Jacque, Aubre, Grace, ....and on to the "greats.....Kendal, Joey, Kennedy, Aria, and one I haven't even met yet who will join us in September of this year. May our God bless you sweet "Miller" great grandchild!  I hope you all know how much I love you, and what joy it brings as I think of, and share our times together. Beautiful memories I can carry with me to "any home!"

I can't leave out the sweet young friends who really made this blog possible for me to enjoy by writing down my thoughts and memories. Thank you so much Melody and Jarrod!

I could just go on and on.....and I have left out so many.  I want you to know, and you know who you are, each "gift" or time you spent "sitting beside me" in some way, is so special, and brings me much joy and happiness.

Yes, I can take so many "things/people/memories" to my new home with me....whether in my mind and heart, or maybe even in a tangible way. For those of you I have not been able to mention on here, well, as I said, "You know who you are!" I can't begin to tell you how much my time with you has, and still does, mean to me. Thank you, and I count it a blessing to be able to remember in prayer each one of you as you come to mind.

And, to my dearest Friend of all, Jesus, Who has "constantly "sat/been" with me from the time I was 14 years old. I love you, Jesus, and will continue to appreciate and enjoy You "sitting by me" until I draw my last breath! And, then I can "sit by You" in my forever new Home!!

Last of all I want to remind everyone.....All of our "gifts/things/memories" were made possible by Him....Jesus. He is the greatest gift we can ever receive! He also gave us another special gift....that being the privilege of praying to Him for any and all things. Jesus prayed for us also.  Shouldn’t we do likewise and pray for others, too? 

So, I look at, I meditate and I choose as I pack my bags and boxes with many "earthly things," and head to yet another home "down here." But my journey won't be complete until I rise to meet Him in the air, never to have to move again!! 

Heavenly Father,   Thank you for asking us to pray.  As the scripture says, “May the words of my mouth and the 'meditations' of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord!"



  1. A nice walk down memory lane. We love sitting with you as well :)


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