NESTING “Even the sparrow has found a home…………a place near Your altar.” Psalm 84:3 As we will soon exit the cold dark days of Winter we have been experiencing, the scripture above spoke to me and caused my thoughts to turn towards the coming Spring weather. The scripture brought to mind that we will again start hearing choirs of birdsongs; leaves on the trees will start budding and beautiful blossoms will appear on some; what is now a sea of brown grass will become a beautiful carpet of green again. Are you listening and watching? I have been, and have already started hearing the occasional bird singing outside my windows. (I heard one this morning, in fact) They are preparing to build their nests and settle into their new home....a new season begins. We can learn a lesson from these birds and from the above scripture. The sparrow has found his home and built his nest “near the altar of God.” That’s exactly what God r...