Today is New Year's Eve, 2019. This morning in my email box I had a beautiful devotional from a friend, Fiona in Australia. As of today her country is being devastated by horrible fires burning out of control, and spreading by high winds. She and her family are okay so far, with only lots of smoke. Please pray for all there in harm's way. Fiona and I met years ago by way of a ministry called Rest Ministries which was located in San Diego, California. We were both privileged to be chosen to write devotionals for this ministry. It was designed to give those with invisible chronic illnesses encouragement. Fiona and I would stay in touch through these devotionals and also became fast friends through email. She had physical limitations, but didn't let that stop her from leaning on and depending on the Lord in every situation. She also traveled a lot, and even came to the USA at times, visiting such places as New England during the Fall when the le...