SPIRITUAL HIDE AND SEEK – REALLY? (Calling All Deer Hunters...Or not!!) I haven't posted for a while for many reasons, but I thought this would be a good time to share one of my daughter, Lisa's devotionals again. She wrote this several years ago when she and her husband lived in a big home in the country. This is the time of year when many are out and about deer hunting to provide food for winter, and also for the enjoyment of being out in the beauty of the season. Enjoy! ( I hope to start writing again soon.- Alice) (Genesis 3:8) KJV… Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. Living in the country I have access to several roads where there is very little traffic. As many mornings as possible, I am blessed to be able to take a long, safe, healthy walk, and commune with God in many ways. It began with me just walking and praying, but her...