
Showing posts from December, 2019


THE OLD GENTLEMAN’S GIFT I walked the quiet streets alone, the snow was drifting down, The stores were closed and shuttered in this peaceful little town, The Christmas rush was ending, for ‘twas Christmas Eve you see, I walked in search of “peace on earth,” and inner peace in me. “What is Christmas all about?” I spoke aloud in prayer, “Lord, show me the true meaning so I’ll have a gift to share.” I looked, and in the distance shone the glow of a soft light, It was streaming from a window, giving guidance in the night. I approached the little church house and could hear the children sing Of the little Lord Jesus, Who was born to be our King. So I paused and turned toward the door, hoping not to make a sound, Then my eyes were drawn to a lovely sight before me on the ground. I stooped to lift a red, red rose from its bed of pure white snow, Then quietly opened the church house door, and entered the soft, warm glow. The children told of the birt...


(This story was written and published several years ago by Alice Ervin)  I would like to share a really special thing that came about by being a part of Rest Ministries.   In September of each year, Lisa Copen, founder of Rest Ministries in San Diego, CA. has what is called National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week.   (NICAW)   Each day there are several online sessions with a different guest speaker for each.   This year I logged onto one with a speaker whose name is Carol Krejci.   She had written a book entitled, “Sowin’ Seeds and Touchin’ Lives.   Carol donated two of her books to anyone who had entered to win. That was the beginning of one of the most amazing events in my life the last few months!   I won one of her books, read it and found out we lived only two hours from each other. We began e-mailing, and became fast friends.   Carol lives in a cute cottage in an old Methodist Campgrounds (still operating) in ...


Legend has it that in the 18th Century somewhere in Europe, any public display of Christianity was forbidden. No crosses or Bibles were  allowed and the Christians were greatly oppressed. One old man, a candy maker by profession, was particularly distressed by this. He loved the Lord with all of his heart and couldn't stand to not share that love with the world. His heart especially went out to the children when Christmas drew near and no one was allowed to have a nativity scene (or crèche`) on display in their homes. He prayed for God to show him some way to make Christmas gifts for the children which would teach them the story of Christ. The answer was the candy cane. The candy cane was in the shape of a shepherd"s staff to show them Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd but their own. This is how we are to be with Jes...