He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ Job 37:6 It was November, 1950.....Thanksgiving holiday weekend. My family, which consisted of mom, dad, and 5 children, still lived in the small, 3 room house in the little Southern Ohio town called Bainbridge. No running water, heated with coal and wood, and cooked with the same. My oldest brother and his family had come for Thanksgiving Day and was to spend the entire weekend with us. Their family consisted of my oldest brother, Eddie, his wife, Hazel and three children. All totaled there were 12 people in that small home. Looking back I can't remember how this was even possible. I do remember there were two mattresses on each of the two full sized beds. A small daybed in one side of the kitchen where my one brother slept. He was the oldest of the five of us who still lived at home. Mom would drag a mattress off of each bed, find...